OJSC “Radio plant”
In 2014 the project "Block of tertiary treatment of production wste with a productivity of 15 m3/hour with the organization of reverse water supply is developed. On October 14, 2014 the installation of treatment facilities has been carried out. For operational and professional work the letter of thanks from the management of JSC Radiozavod has been sent the head of LLC NPO ECOSERVICE.

OJSC “Kursk plant “Mayak”
In 2014 a Contract for project for Local treatment facilities of 4,5 m3/hour capacity with recycling water supply organization was concluded. Building of treatment facilities will allow the plant to solve environmental problems, to receive considerable financial economy and to receive the status of socially responsible plant.

Russian Federal State Unitary Enterprise
“Instrument-making plant”

The project of salts of heavy metals polishing unit of 30 m3/hour capacity with recycling water supply organization is developed, including conversion knot Cr+6 to Cr+3. The expert conclusion of FBHI “The hygiene and epidemiology center in Tula region” is received. Equipment installation was performed. Commissioning works are in progress.
In 2014 the OJSC “NPO “SPLAV” was awarded by the honourable diploma and the medal "For Production Greening in the Russian Federation". These awards are handed over by Board of the Russian ecological union, Council for a sustainable development of Russia and “Rosekopress” association to the enterprises which make real impact on improvement of an ecological situation in Russia. And the 5 of June in 2014 in the Day of Ecology Lyudmila Vladimirovna Ratueva was awarded by honourable diploma and the medal of the third degree “For conservation of Russia”.

OJSC “Ulan-Ude lokomotivovagonoremontny plant”
– branch “Zheldorremmash”
In 2013 the project of Local treatment facilities from salts of heavy metals polishing of 12 m3/hour capacity was developed. The expert conclusion of FBHI “The hygiene and epidemiology center in railways transport” is received. Installation works are in progress.
For development and deployment of the actions directed on implementation of requirements of the legislation for observance of standards and standards for environmental protection, rational use of natural resources of expansion and reconstruction of the operating production and development of measures for ensuring ecological purity of products the head of the security department of environment Vladimir Veniaminovich Plekhanov was awarded by the honourable diploma and a medal of the third degree "For conservation of Russia".

OJSC “712 ARZ”
In 2013 the block of cleaning of production waste from salts of heavy metals with the organization of reverse water supply is introduced. It led to considerable economy водопотребление и of money because there were no penalties and payments for water consumption and water disposal. The expert conclusion of FBHI “The hygiene and epidemiology center in Chelyabinsk region” is received. Quality of cleaning of waste conforms to requirements of maximum concentration limit of a water utility.

OJSC “Aramilsky aircraft factory”
In 2013 the project of salts of heavy metals polishing unit of 0,5 m3/hour capacity is developed. The expert conclusion of FBHI “1026 The Ministry of Defence RF ” is received. The block of tertiary treatment is curried out.Quality of cleaning of waste conforms to requirements of maximum concentration limit of a water utility.

Western Branch OJSC MMC “Norilsk Nickel”

JSC “Hydromash”
Nizhny Novgorod
Plating wastes polishing unit of 5 m3/hour capacity development and implementation. The quality of cleaning of a drain meets requirements of a water utility. The expert conclusion of FBUZ "The Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Nizhny Novgorod Region" is received. Increase in ecological safety, economy of money and increase in competitiveness of the made production became result of introduction of treatment facilities.

OJSC “Chelyabinsk Radio Plant “Polet”
Treatment facilities reconstruction with the installation of the Polishing unit for plating industry effluents after the existing treatment technology of 10 m3/hour capacity. "The working project is developed. The expert conclusion of FBUZ "The Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Chelyabinsk Region" is received.

LLC “Sychevka Electrode Plant”
Sychevka, Smolensk region
Coppering lines flush water treatment facilities of 6 m3/hour capacity. A working project is developed.Adaptation of the existing water effluent technology for higher quality purification from heavy metals ions. A working project is developed. Completion of the existing technology of production wastes cleaning for better cleaning of heavy metals ions. Treatment facilities are introduced in 2011. The quality of cleaning of wastess meets requirements of maximum allowable concentration of a water utility. The expert conclusion of FBUZ "The Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Smolensk Region" is received.

CJSC Pilot Plant “NIIHIT”


Russian Federal State Unitary Enterprise
“Splav State Research and
Production Association” (FSUE “Splav” SRPA”)
Treatment facilities of production wastes 5m3/hour capacity, including knot of the transfer of Cr+6 to Cr+3. Are implemented in 2010. The quality of production wastes cleaning meets requirements of GOST 9.314-90 Galvanics 2. The expert conclusion of FBUZ "The Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Chelyabinsk Region" is received.

OJSC “Shumerlinsky Specialized Automobiles Plant”
Shumerlya, Chuvash Republic
Plating wastes polishing unit of 5 m3/hour capacity. Implemented in 2010. The quality of production wastes cleaning meets requirements of GOST 9.314-90 Galvanics 2.

OJSC “Pyramid”
Industrial effluents treatment facilities of 12 m3/hour capacity. Implemened in 2010. The quality of production wastes cleaning meets requirements of maximum allowable concentration of a water utility of Smolensk. The expert conclusion of FBUZ "The Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Smolensk Region" is received.

CJSC “Engineering Center “Electroluch”
Industrial effluents treatment facilities of 1 m3/hour capacity. Implemented in 2009.The quality of production wastes cleaning meets requirements of maximum allowable concentration. The expert conclusion of FBUZ "The Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Smolensk Region" on compliance of parameters of cleaning of GOST 9.314-90 Galvanics 2 is received.

OJSC “Research and Production Company “ Rhythm”
Industrial effluents purification facilities of 0.5 m3/hour capacity. Implemented in 2008. The quality of production wastes cleaning meets requirements of maximum allowable concentration for dumping in city collector. The expert conclusion of FBUZ "The Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Krasnodar Krai" is received.

OJSC “Igorevsky Woodworking Plant”
2008. Diving works. Dismantling and installation of valves in flow pipes and wellholes chambers of abstraction intake of OJSC “Igorevsky Woodworking Plant”.

OJSC “Serdobsk Machine Building Plant”
Serdobsk, Penza region
Stormwater effluent treatment facilities of 30 m3/hour capacity. Project development in progress. Plating wastes treatment facilities of 6 m3/hour capacity. Project development in progress.

OJSC “Autocrane”
Salts of heavy metals polishing unit of 16 m3/hour capacity with recycling water supply organization. Implemented in 2007. The quality of production wastes cleaning satisfies to maximum allowable concentration treovaniye. The expert conclusion of Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare across the Ivanovo region on Blok's compliance of tertiary treatment of a galvanic wastes to the state sanitary and epidemiologic rules and standards is received.

OJSC “Tyumen Accumulator Plant”

OJSC “Center Telecom”
2007. Investigation performed with the issuing of “Report on conditions of reservoir water management of Atomic Power Station (Desna river) in Roslavl district of Smolensk river in the period of underground junction construction”.

OJCS “Smolensk Plant “Kentavr”

OJSC “Russian Railways”
2007. “Report on presence, technical condition and efficiency of fish protection systems operation on Kolodnya river (Smolensk area) and Vyazma river (Vyazma area) water intake structures located on Smolensk region natural reservoirs” was issued.

OJSC “Dorogobuzh”
2006. Diving operations were performed with the issuing of “Report on presence, technical condition and efficiency of fish protection systems operation on Dnepr river”.