This stage is very important for the Customer as it allows approximate evaluation of capital costs for treatment facilities design engineering and implementation, economic and environmental investments efficiency.
This stage is performed by us free of charge
In process of technical and commercial proposal development (basing on the Customer provided data) our company specialists develop and forward the following documents to the Customer for review:
- Preliminary technological treatment scheme.
- Technological scheme equipment connection to the existing and new sites.
- Explanatory note.
- Approximate capital costs list.
- Economic justification.
- Ecological justification.
If required, we will organize visits of your specialists to the enterprises where the treatment facilities developed and implemented by our company operate.
Dear Sirs!
Please complete an questionnaire electronic form or fax or e-mail us the completed QUESTIONNAIRE, and we will send you a technical and commercial proposal within five days Download or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
on cleaning of industrial waste.